About Robin

Letter Of Intent: 2025

Click here to read Robin’s Letter of Intent, addressed to the Brighton Democratic Committee.


Click here to read Robin’s resume, shared with the Brighton Democratic Committee seeking designation for re-election to a third term.

Activist roots bear fruit in office

A History of Public Service

Robin Wilt is a public servant, progressive activist, mother of three, and real estate broker. In January 2018, Ms. Wilt began serving as the second African American ever elected to Brighton Town Council, where she chairs the Community Services Committee, is co-Chair to the Finance and Administrative Services Committee, and serves as Liaison to the Town Board for the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Advisory Board and the Sustainability Oversight Committee.

She is married to husband Nicholas. Together, they have two sons, Benjamin Harris, Samuel Taylor, and a daughter, Camille Statice-Elizabeth. Robin is a founding Board Member of the Dartmouth Women’s Rugby Club, serves on the Board and on the Racial Justice Initiative of Citizen Action New York, is a member of the Working Families Party, is on the Organizational Board of Local Progress NY, and is currently active in the Rochester Chapter of National Organization for Women, as well as a member of the Brighton PTSA, Brighton Chamber of Commerce, and the Brighton Believes Council. In addition, Ms. Wilt serves on the Institute for Poverty Studies and Economic Development (IPSED) at SUNY Brockport. Ms. Wilt is an alumna of Dartmouth College, where she studied Government, and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honor Society.



Professional and Leadership Development

  • Attends the Association of Towns (AOT) conference every year; co-facilitated a presentation on Brighton’s IDEA Board with Town Supervisor Bill Moehle and Chief Diversity Officer Miriam Moore.
  • Member of Local Progress since 2019, serving as Co-Chair of the New York chapter’s Organizing Committee and on the Leadership Council of the Women’s Caucus.
  •  Member of the Leadership Council for Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA),  a nationwide organization whose values reflect those of Brighton, centering inclusion and equity while advancing concrete policies such as the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

Power to the People

Robin’s entrée into politics was as the co-founder of the Genesee Valley chapter of Progressive Democrats of America, a grassroots organization dedicated to working inside and outside the Democratic Party to advance progressive causes. PDA-GV organized voter registration drives; town halls; candidate meet-and-greets; and petition drives. Robin’s efforts were recognized by Metro Justice at their 2009 Annual Dinner. More recently, Progressive Democrats of America was instrumental in recruiting Bernie Sanders to run for President in 2016. Ms. Wilt was elected as a Pledged Delegate to Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic National Convention. In 2022, she successfully won election as the female State Committeemember for the 136th Assembly District.

Re-Elect Robin!

We need to preserve Robin’s progressive voice on the Town Board of Brighton.


Thank you for your support!