Re-Elect Robin Wilt
for Brighton Town Board
for Brighton Town Board
Dear Supporters,
Almost eight years ago, I promised to continue Louise Novros’s legacy of constituent-oriented leadership. and to (quoting from Envision Brighton) “implement sustainable policies on a community-wide platform” through my actions as a local leader, business partner, and engaged resident.
In 2017, I also committed to bring new perspective to the role of Town Councilmember, and to ensure that marginalized members of our community were given voice and included. In that spirit, I spearheaded the creation of the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Advisory (IDEA) Board, which promulgated an Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Action Plan that enabled the Brighton to be the first and only municipality in Monroe County, and possibly New York State, to hire a full-time Chief Diversity Officer.
The re-election of Donald Trump means that now, more than ever, we will need elected officials willing to stand up for the most vulnerable members of our community. Together, with my colleagues in Brighton, I am committed to continuing to work with our partners in county, state, and federal governments to ensure that Brighton not only weathers Donald Trump’s Presidency, but more importantly, paves the way to a brighter future for our entire community.
The need for compassionate, thoughtful, and constituent-oriented service to the community has never been greater. I would be honored to receive your vote, allowing me to continue serving as a Brighton Town Councilmember.